When I started studying Health Science at the Karol Marcinkowski Medical University in Poznan, I never imagined that this choice would determine my entire professional life
My studies made me realize how precious human health is, how subtle are the mechanisms that maintain it, how easily it can be disrupted by leading an inappropriate lifestyle. I realized that I cared about keeping not only my loved ones but also my patients healthy for as long as possible
Especially close to me were cancer patients. A lot was given to me by my studies during the research for my doctoral thesis titled. "Relationship of the severity of menopausal syndrome symptoms in women after uterine resection with adnexa and concentrations of selected hormones and serotonin before and after hormone treatment".. I received my doctoral degree on April 18, 2007, from the Department of Oncology, University of Medical Sciences in Poznan.
Working in the Department of Gynecological Oncology at the Clinical Hospital at ul.. Łąkowa Street in Poznań made me realize how great a role the right, individually selected diet plays in the healing process. Graduation in Dietetics and obtaining the title of Dietitian at the University of Life Sciences in Poznań came in very handy in my work at the department. In order to better communicate with my patients, I increased my qualifications by completing the Psychological Assistance Study at the Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Center -Trinity in Sopot
I currently run my own dietetics practice, specializing in diets for chronic diseases and cancer
I have not neglected my studies - on June 3, 2014. I was certified as a psycho-oncologist by the Polish Psycho-oncological Society, Department of Palliative Medicine in Gdansk, Poland
Expanding and acquiring new knowledge has become part of my professional life. I regularly participate in scientific conferences at home and abroad. Internships and placements in hospitals ie.. The HOPE Exchange Programme for Hospital Professionals, in Sweden, and at Lahn-Dill-Kliniken GmbH in Wetzlar, Germany, have been a source of inspiration for many of the articles I have contributed to professional journals.
I also work for NGOs working on behalf of cancer patients. I am the founder and head of the Oncology Dietetics Department of the Association to Fight Cancer and Chronic Diseases PsycheSomaPolis in Poznan.
The Association's goals include. Educating the public about the role of following a diet in life. This is because most often the word "diet" is associated with weight loss. Thanks to our activities, more and more people are aware of their own role in the treatment process and are getting better at choosing dietary ingredients for themselves. I consider this to be my success
From 2014 to 2019, I was the head of the postgraduate course - Psychodietetics at the University of Humanities and Social Sciences SWPS in Poznan, and I took care of the high quality of the classes and encouraged students to constantly supplement their knowledge.